Happy May! I don’t think this holiday’s ever overlapped with me writing before, so that’s cool, even if we never really celebrated it. How are you doing? How’s school? Mom showed me an article from Eugene, apparently a high school teacher gave kids a weird sexual assignment. I hope you weren’t in that class. One of the teachers at the local high school I went to turned out to be a pedophile (he was a bad teacher anyway, I didn’t like him). The school system sucks.
There was a thunderstorm the day before yesterday; the clouds were orangish and we saw lightning outside. It was shocking since we had sunshine the day before that. The cats were scared, Achilles probably went to hide in the basement. He likes going there when people come to visit as well.
There was a frog in the house a few days ago as well. I caught it in a boot since the cats were trying to get it, and we got it outside. Here’s a picture Mom took. (by the way, when I say ‘we’, that generally means me and Mom, and occasionally Aaron. He wasn’t here when this happened.)
I’m trying to be cheerful today. There was something I said to Mom that she said I should tell you, but I’ve forgotten it. I wondered if I’d told you already, so perhaps it’s already here. We’re (Laura, one of the autistic kids she works with, his family, and Mom) going to Disneyland soon and will be back by next Friday, so I’ll have much to tell you about then. You haven’t been since we were little, as far as I know. I’d like to go with you someday.
With love,