Happy Easter! What have you done today? Did Mom hide eggs? We didn’t do much today. We bought candy at the grocery store, I got a big Reese’s egg that I could get halfway through before feeling sick, lol. Too much candy.
It’s really nice out, it’s feeling mostly like spring. We sat outside for awhile, Pearl came out on her leash and ate some grass. Have any friends come over, or have you gone to a friend’s house? I hope it’s nice out as well, and not snowing like it was a few days ago here.
I think it’s the sixth time we have spent Easter alone. The years keep compiling. I hope you haven’t thought about it today like I have. All I hope is that you’ve managed to enjoy yourself. I miss you. I hope you have fun today. Heaven knows Easter egg hunts are fun.
With love,
P.S Mom, your birthday is three days from now. You will not get your own post. Happy birthday. There is much I could say but little I believe you would care to hear. Alas, Mom, alas.