Happy Easter! Have you done anything today? Mom got me a basket and showed it when I got home last night.
I got sick on Friday morning. I’ve taken lots of zophran. Most of the flight was normal until an old woman had a medical emergency and we had to divert to Winnipeg, but then their airport had no engineers to check the engine (required for the plane, other passengers thought it was because of some sort of big hockey game), so we had to stay the night. I met a mom and her daughter (about my age) and hung out with them for the night. I got a small bit of sleep in the airport and got home about 4 yesterday. I am still exhausted now so I will recount more about the adventure this Friday — forgive me, I cannot write much today, for I feel like I’ve been thwacked with a giant mallet. It was rather stressful and did not help my cold.
Mom’s baskets has lots of Reese’s in it. It’s very good. Do you still get stuff for Easter? I’m very grateful. I hope you’re having fun today. I barely remember our Easters. I would have to go on Flickr to learn what happened. I think I’ll look today. For now, more advil.
I love you. I’m sorry for being too sick to do much. Here’s some pictures of the arctic from the plane. It seemed the most sublime place on earth to me. My photos tell me where everything was taken despite being on airplane mode.

With love,