Good morning! Happy Halloween! May spooks and spirits be upon ye today. I’m Dorian Gray again — though I’ve not done anything today. Some friends and I were supposed to see the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie, but it seems to have fallen through. Do you have any plans for today?
Here’s a picture of my costume. Let’s see if it loads.

I’m very tired today. Doesn’t help the Victorian outfits take so long to put on. Since friend plans fell through, I think I’ll walk around campus like a melancholic Romantic, then buy some candy. I feel very alone without anybody here. I had to text Mom ‘happy Halloween’ instead of saying it. I hope you have friends over, or likewise, I hope Mom is in a festive mood. I think she was, once. I don’t remember very well now. I love you. Happy Halloween.
With love,