Happy Hanukkah!! I was very confused about when it started, because the calendar says it’s tomorrow, but google says it’s today — Mom says it’s today. We’ve just lit the Menorah. I’ll try to send a picture.
It did it (knocking on wood)! We bought candles early because last year they were all sold out. Has that ever happened to you?
Hanukkah is a very personal holiday to me. It represents never giving up on my mother no matter what she says or does. You’re not here, Mom, but you always will be. The candle has burned for six years, and it will burn for six years more. I don’t know much about Judaism. Teaching myself would feel so sad, because Mom didn’t do it. I may go on a trip to Israel when I’m 18 on a program (don’t misunderstand my thoughts on the war — I am with Palestine). I think learning from them might be healing. I read in a book I like that the protagonist’s trip to Jerusalem was healing for her. Perhaps I will feel something like that, in between the sunburns.
An important piece of family news: Cousin Trevor (Aunt Linda and Uncle Terry’s son, seven days younger than Mom(Jess)) suffered a fall and is in the hospital. He survived surgery but is in a coma, and may or may not wake. Mom grew up with him and Cousin Trisha. Our whole family is terrified. Grandma will likely be very sad and worried this Christmas. If he passes, we may fly out to Ohio for the funeral. I know you never met him (to my memory), but you deserve to know what is happening in the family. You are, after all, a part of it. I believe it only happened today, if not, yesterday.
I hope your candles are also lit right now. I will think of you every night. I remember playing dreidel and eating chocolate gold coins while we were together. We are not so far apart, Soren. Look at the moon; I am under the same one.
With love,