I almost completely forgot to write this. Sorry! My disdain for Thanksgiving is having consequences. How have you spent today? Did you have any family over? We didn’t — we made lots of food, and I am ridiculously full. Did you have a typical Thanksgiving dinner?
How did you like the Thanksgiving Day Parade? I woke up late, so I didn’t see all of it. It felt more commercialized than usual. I dislike when it just feels like you’re watching a long commercial, which is a bit ironic given that it’s the Macy’s parade. But it was still the parade, and still enjoyable.
I’m afraid I haven’t enough to say for this letter (besides the typical Thanksgiving criticisms). Part of me wishes I could have one of those dreaded Thanksgiving family dinners, but no one wants to see me anymore. I promise the Shares would welcome you. I love you.
With love,