If the website is showing you a different username, I had to make my own account. I deleted my WordPress app and re-downloaded because it wouldn’t let me in, then I couldn’t get in with the password, and Mom doesn’t know it either, so now I just get a new account.
Happy Valentine’s Day/Laura’s birthday! Have you done anything special today? I made Laura a drawing, but nothing else. Do they still do special things in public school? I remember at Charlemagne there was some gift-giving thing where you weren’t allowed to give candy (nonsense). I certainly don’t have a Valentine — I hope you do, if you want one. Do you like boys, girls, both, or neither? I don’t remember you having a crush on anyone.
Have you been watching the Winter Olympics? Ice skating is my favorite. I do hope the Russian competitor who landed a quad jump wasn’t actually on drugs. I would presume you watch the summer games because of the gymnastics, but I can’t guess anything about the winter ones. I wish I knew more about you, then I’d have more to say. It feels rather self-absorbed to speak about myself the whole time.
Mom’s birthday was yesterday. She liked the drawing I made for her, but little else happened in terms of celebration. She bought mini-cupcakes, which I had a few of. It’s rather sad that the celebration lessens as you get older.
I’m rather sad today. I hope you’re alright — this is one of the only holidays where it’s somewhat accepted to be sad, although I hope you have nothing (besides, of course, The Big Trauma, which is why this website exists) to be sad about. Goodnight.
With love,