Happy Friday! Have you any plans for this weekend? We’re going to get Christmas presents tomorrow.
Something I realized recently: remember when I was about ten and I told our Moms I had synesthesia? Its in some part tragic that I don’t remember if I need to clarify, six years later: I do not. I lied because I wanted to feel special, to have something to compensate for my lack of left-handedness and outy belly button like you do. I don’t mean to say it’s in any way your fault — it was my own insecurity. I do find it a little funny that Mom (Mel) might still believe it, because it’s her fault for not knowing, while it’s not yours. Ultimate prank?
Christmas break is soon. Can’t wait to sleep forever. What do you want for Christmas? What did you get for Hanukkah? I do hope it has been fun. Holidays are quite sad nowadays. I still have some school to catch up on beforehand. Alas. The ancient torment, lol.
I will keep this very short, because it is quite late. Goodnight, I love you. I hope you’re okay.
With love,