Happy Friday! Winter break just started for me. Has it started for you? I’m going to go into a 48 hour coma, and wake up still tired. Christmas is very soon! Grandma is coming on the 23rd. When was the last time you saw her? Is she allowed to visit you? Mom says Grandma’s excited to watch the Beatles thing that’s on Hulu.
I tried to send a picture of the Christmas tree, but as it always does with photos, it did not work. We got and set it up last Sunday , and also have a mini plastic one (that isn’t your or my personal ones; yours lives on my shelf, and I don’t know where mine is) on a cabinet in the small living room (there’s two of them, the formal one and the one you actually use, like front doors). Have you set up yours yet? What sorts of ornaments are you using, without the ones from the Christmas Box? I’d be quite sad to be without the ones we actually use, but I am also sad to have them in a post-trauma world, so it’s a losing game regardless.
On the good side of things, we’re going shopping off of Vashon island for presents tomorrow. Have you done any Christmas shopping? I’m not going to be looking at the presents, but it’s fun regardless. In a place where the only ‘normal’ business is a Subway I’ve been to once, going to Target brings about a certain joy no one would ever expect to get from Target. Although, it’s always empty in some fashion because it lets me imagine what I actually want: to leave and visit Eugene. It’s been two years already… Perhaps I should sabotage myself and go to U of O. I wonder if you feel similar urges— but wherever to travel? Perhaps back in time. I wish that everyday.
I am going to go to bed now, for it is late. You’re likely preparing for bed too, or are about to. It feels unreal at times; it is almost easier to believe that you rest under a gravestone than that life has gone on, and you have grown older without me. Oh, what did Mom say to everyone?
With love,