Happy April! I’m not gonna make any April Fool’s jokes, I’ve already been made a fool of at least once today. Have you been today? I remember one year years ago when I got up at night to put (unused) toilet paper in your shoes. I don’t remember how you reacted, though, but I found it hilarious.
Mom’s birthday is soon. Are you going to get her anything? According to Mom (Jess), Mom (Mel) hates having the 4/20 birthday. Who could blame her? Between marijuana and Hitler, it’s not the best day to be born. You have much time, regardless. I see things sometimes in stores like plotted plants and think, “Mom would like this,” but alas, I can’t give her a birthday present. Maybe technically I could leave something if I could go to Eugene, but I suspect she wouldn’t want it. That being said, she does not get a drawing. Mom hasn’t spoken to me in 5 1/2 years, she doesn’t get that much effort from me. You need to parent your child to get a drawing. Sorry.
I had a sleepover with my friend Emily this weekend/a few days after. I’m not taking a spring break (studying for tests) so it was a nice break. I found a book from 1898 (collection of Tennyson works!) for only four dollars! Have you read any good books lately? I’d say I could use recommendations, but I’m drowning in books (the best way to live).
Achilles is sitting on my chest now, blocking 1/3 of the screen. I hope you are okay. I love you. Perhaps I’ve already mentioned this (my memory is goldfish-like) but I had a dream where I called Mom (Mel) on the phone and she answered. I asked her why she left me, and she said I had gotten too old, like with children when they turn 18. I cried because it didn’t make sense. I don’t know the real answer; perhaps you do. I’d like to know someday. Have a wonderful weekend, Soren.
With love,