Did you notice it’s Friday the thirteenth? Did anything unlucky happen to you today? Nothing for me, alas. It’d be a little interesting.
Not much has happened this week. I’ve been in a week long post-test coma. How is school? I hope somewhat well, tests are difficult. I’m going to Laura’s in Phoenix soon, which will be nice. Until then I’m just sitting in the yard and dozing like a cat. Have you been on vacation since 2016? I hope so.
I hope life besides that is doing alright and that it’s nice down in Eugene. It’s getting somewhat sunnier here these past few days. I will miss the rain; it’s sad that school is during the rainy season and summer during the sunny one. It was very rainy and windy down in Salem while at the test there. Is it that way in Eugene?
Sometimes I wonder if I should ask questions at all. I never receive an answer. But if I didn’t, it’d feel lonelier here. I hope you’re alright. Goodnight, Soren.