How are you doing? There was a storm a few days ago and the first rain in a long time. I was quite happy to see it, though the power went out. Did it reach you back home? I hope you got some rain, this summer has been hot.
I have not done much this week. I visited a bookstore in town and found a book made in the 1840s — where on earth would they find that? You can find such strange things out and about. How has your week been? Have you done anything special?
I know these questions are formulaic, but I have really nothing else to say, just the start of a conversation over and over again. I hope you do not mind too much, if you’ve seen these at all. I often wonder if anyone reads these, and who they are. I hope they listen with open ears, at the very least. In the end, if you do not see these, I hope anyone else in the world does, and cares a little bit, in the opposite manner to how our family doesn’t. Someone who wouldn’t tell me, “Just keep praying.”
I have to get ready to work. I miss you everyday. I hope there is some end to our tragedy.
With love,