How are you doing? We got back home from Iceland on the second. I have learned that our cats are fat compared to the ones in Greece. I’ve tried to convince Mom to switch to wet food (which is healthier and less likely to make them too fat) but she hates the way it smells. At least they seem fine. I missed them so much.
It’s been foggy since we got back. I’m glad of it, I missed the cold weather. I suppose it must be similar back home? I miss the frost on the grass outside of Charlemagne. I miss the rain outside. I miss remembering what it was like. I don’t remember much anymore. Grandma, who watched the cats, told me about a memory from when she was four years old in such detail. I only have shifting shapes and words. I’m told that it’s because of depression. The first thing I forgot about you and Mom were your voices. I wonder if I’d recognize them now. Mom (Jess) jokes that we can’t make decisions when you’re not here. It shouldn’t hurt as much as it does to hear jokes about you.
Other than that, not much is up. The gap year is quiet thus far. I am increasingly worried about college. As if I can handle public school, after the disaster of two months of Vashon public freshman year. I guess we must see what happens. Have you thought of college yet? I can’t remember anything that you might want to study. I’m not entirely sure what I want to do; archaeology was always listed just to have something there. I thought that I would be dead before I had to consider it.
One of my last memories of you is from the hotel we went to in May-June-ish of 2016 with Layla. You told me your favorite color was purple; I said I thought it was pink. I’m glad to remember it, though I don’t know if it’s still true. For all my lost memories, at least I can say, “Soren’s favorite color was purple once.”
With love,
P.S. WordPress won’t let me send pictures. I think it’s because I have no storage space this time. I will try to fix it.