Happy Friday! It is still sunny here — a great tragedy. Not too much has happened this week. Paris and Achilles have been fighting quite violently (nominative determinism, alas), and Mom has emailed someone to finally get them neutered. A photo from Greece has miraculously uploaded; let’s hope it sticks!! It’s one of my favorite pictures: a cat in front of the Parthenon. It is so small and the ruin is so big; it is so young and the ruin is so old. It’s also super cute and I love it so much.
Lyla from my second grade class at Charlemagne passed away recently. Mom came in this morning to tell me; she cried and described her as having been nice to everyone. If you go to the same high school, you’ve certainly heard about it. She was so kind. She called me Ally-Kat, and I called her Lylie-Kat in turn. I hope she is resting now. Oh, poor Lyla… I hope her family and friends are receiving all the comfort in the world. If you go to the same school, then please leave something at her memorial for me. A daisy would be enough. Perhaps there is some comfort in knowing she was loved enough for the entire school to try to honor her.
Mom worried it was you that died, as she couldn’t see the article about Lyla’s passing (it was behind a paywall). I sometimes think about how if you died, I would not know about it until perhaps weeks after it happened. Perhaps it would take years for you to find out if I died. I do not know if you can use the internet, after all. I hope you do not die, Soren, although I know the temptation intimately. I try not to tell you what to do, but please spend time with your friends, if you can. They are a balm against sorrow.
With love,