How are you this Friday? I’m doing fairly well. Still working on that research paper for college recommendation, not fun but alas, what can you do. Has winter break started for you yet? If not now then soon, I hope.
Mom and I went to Portland on Friday and returned on Saturday night. Many of the lights on the highway were purple — have you seen that in Eugene? I thought they were very beautiful. Cousin Ryan seems well; he’s editing stuff for some sort of gardening magazine, which seems a pleasant thing to write about all day. We went to the library Powell’s and Voodoo Donuts. Portland doesn’t seem as well-kept as it did years ago. I wonder what happened. We stayed at McMenamins, which is always a nice hotel. Have you been to once since we last spoke? I recall faintly Siena showing me a big book of Pokémon cards in one, but I don’t remember where it was. At least Oregon, most likely.
Little else has happened since. We have a new fridge now and can buy necessary-to-be-totally-frozen things again. I’ve had several popsicles this cold December. My brain is very scattered today and I don’t think there is much important to tell you; I could complain about television or lament my fallen art practice, but neither seem very cheerful. Let me give you some things cheerful: the cats are very sweet today. I have a pomegranate in the fridge. I’ve almost finished a book I like, a rarer accomplishment these days (perhaps I need to regress to middle-grade). Tell me some things like this someday. Something cheerful in the after-years of sorrow.
With love,