Happy Friday, Soren! How are you doing? We’ve been mostly working on packing for school. We leave next Friday; I probably won’t be able to write that day, so I’ll write the day before.
Mom showed me a GoFundMe Mom (Mel) made to fly you to a national rowing championship. Well done! Mom (Jess) thinks you don’t really like rowing and that Mom (Mel; man, we really should’ve kept with Mama) made you get into it so you could work towards a college scholarship. Do you like rowing? I think you’d like the friends inherent to it, but there is not as much flair as gymnastics. I hope you do well at Nationals. In the GoFundMe, Mom says something like “We love you” near the end. I cried after reading it because it wasn’t true.
Screwing around, I’ve discovered I can write in different colors. If you can see it, look, we’re pink now! Come on Barbie, let’s go party.
Now we are blue. Gender doesn’t exist in computer-land. You can change at will. This is lots of fun. I can also write in white. This message is a secret.
I got the plague, but I’m doing mostly better. It functions like a fever, like it did last time. Did you ever get it? I hope not, but it probably would do you little ill. Just sit in bed for a few days and ring a bell until Mom brings you ice cream. I don’t know. The interesting things going on here are functionally mundane. I will have much better to tell you about in England, where I will list off regional differences until we are both exhausted. Crisp is chip. Torch is flashlight. Museum is stolen goods. Do you remember that there’s a chip (is crisp) brand called Soreen? I think Mom told you the first time we went to Europe, over Text+. I’ll buy some and tell you how it tastes.
This is feeling rather boring now. I’m going to miss you. I’ll be farther away for longer than ever before. I’ll tell you fun facts to fill in the gap. The very wide, fish-filled gap.
With love,