Happy Friday! How’s it going back home? I find my memory has been very poor of late (I’ve had to look in my diary to tell people how I’ve been doing), which feels like a poor sign of things, but I will do my best to say something interesting anyway.
I had a class at the British Museum on Tuesday. The class itself wasn’t of much note, but the museum very much is. Afterwards my friends went looking for a body I hadn’t known was there, someone who died thousands of years ago in a bog. I saw several Egyptian mummies as well, out of their sarcophagi in the open — it felt voyeuristic and disrespectful. I suppose that’s what you can expect from the British Museum. I did not like it one bit. I’m not sure I should even say that the collections were nice, because so much of it was stolen. We have a lot of museums back home, more than usual, I think. I have distant memories of how fun the natural history museum and science museum were with their big displays and dark rooms.
Afterwards we stopped in an antique bookshop, which was rather nice, though I didn’t get anything. I am very tired after all the work of this week though I don’t feel like I’ve actually done very much. How is schoolwork over there? My memories of public high school are hellish. But I find myself missing America very much. People here talk about America to feel superior, like we don’t know our problems. I’ve gotten lots of rude jokes and comments. At least I am connected to home through here and the internet.
I am tired again, alas. I have little more to write on. Tell me something about yourself. I miss you as always. Will the ekphrasis make it mean less? Don’t let it. I mean it more each time. Time keeps passing infinitely between us.
With love,