Hello again. You’re most likely asleep right now (if not, get some rest!!), but happy Friday regardless. Not much at all has happened since yesterday; I went to bed at some point, and woke up at another. That much is for sure.
I’m all packed up and flying off tomorrow. I’m worried about doing all the airport shenanigans by myself, but Mom’s sent me instructions, so I should be fine (knock on wood). I’ve spent most of this week just going to class, finishing assignments, and dreading the ones I’ll have to do over break. Is break starting soon for you? No matter the case, at least Hanukkah starts at sundown.
Since I am not very interesting today, here’s a picture of the cats. Mom sent one with all three.

Next time I write you, we’ll be the normal distance from each other again. That will be nice, at least. I hope you’re sleeping well, Soren.
With love,