The website disappeared for a bit! I’m sorry! Mom’s fixed it now. Here’s what I wrote for you yesterday.
How are you doing? I have been thoroughly jetlagged for the whole week. I am very tired now, so I will not speak for long. What’s going well lately?The plane back was alright.
I saw the northern lights again and there were so many, I’ll send a picture. It is very cold here and I have been out a lot and busy. I can’t wait until spring break again — I enjoyed running back to the airport the first time and going home. I’ve also figured out that if you can pretend the plane is your living room, you can make the whole ordeal feel much faster. I painted a lot on the plane, but I haven’t been able to since I got here. I wish I were able to plan better, or else I should study in my room. How is school there? I suppose you have some idea of what to do in college — if so, tell me about it. If not, you’ll find out. Mom (Jess) never liked the idea of us going to U of O. But I wonder if Mom (Mel) would like it better. What do you think?
I suppose not much else is happening. Classes are going well so far. I went to the bubble tea shop on campus for the first time and like it. I am looking forward to going home again and hope it comes quicker this time — it will be shorter than last time. I miss you. I may be less busy next term — if I am, I’m going to go to museums in London and tell you about them, and probably the Netherlands to visit my friend and go to a concert. Sometimes I try to avoid specifics because this is the internet, but I would give you more details after. I love you.
With love,