Happy Thursday! We’re in an alternate universe today. I just finished my last class. How are you doing? To think it was only just Wednesday back home. We are very early this week.
I haven’t done much this week besides more studying and packing. I watched Labyrinth (the David Bowie 80s movie) for the first time yesterday with a friend. It was good, but I think I am too old to be really into it now like I might’ve been at eight. So that’s a new thing, what have you been up to this spring? Has spring break started yet? I suppose so since Easter’s on Sunday? I don’t remember if they schedule spring break around Easter. Probably not since it’s a weekend. I also met a girl from Rhode Island who told me a little about her relatives from the Appalachian’s, and how very haunted those mountains seem.
Also, Mom has bought a life-sized purple horse statue from someone on-island. It has garlands on its head and is hollow inside, broken at the stomach and somewhat desolate looking. I suspect we’re going to use it like a scarecrow to keep raccoons away from the chickens. Did Mom (Mel) ever get chickens again after we lost our six? I suppose I would suspect not, since those chickens were a very sad thing. Poor darlings. Here’s a picture Mom sent of the horse:

If we did not have ghosts before, this seems like a good introductory vessel for ghosts to come through. I miss writing ghost stories lately, I hope break will give me more time and energy. Do you feel the same over the school year?
On Easter, I will have more to tell you about the flight and the holiday. For now, I just have the purple horse. If I do not crash into Greenland, I will see you then. I love you.
With love,