How are you this Friday? Mom got back from Mexico last night. She brought back lots of spicy candy and has a nice tan. She says it looks exactly like Phoenix in landscape and was very hot, so it does not sound too unfamiliar. I’m glad they’re back, even though I have to leave tomorrow. Here’s a nice picture Mom took at night:

I spent most of this week by myself, mostly doing chores and watching movies. The chickens and cats are still alive. I had a friend over for a few days for sleepovers, which was very fun. It was very good for the cats as well — Achilles head-butted them, which was the first time he’s done that with an outsider, being scared of everything. The alone time was fairly nice, especially since my cold had time to go away without getting anybody else. How are you enjoying spring? I will miss the flowers from home.
The TV has started showing the same few pictures of us as toddlers when I ignore it awhile. It’s a little uncanny. Here’s one I like a lot.

I suppose that will be all for now. I have been mostly idle. I love you. Even when I am feeling inarticulate.
With love,