Happy Friday! How are you doing? Last Saturday was the lowest tide of the year here. We went to the lighthouse (they had some presentations and signs identifying sea critters and stuff), and we got to go inside. Not to the tip of lighthouse though, which is what everybody was probably in the lighthouse for. We went to the beach the next day while it was still low-tide, and you could walk out very far beyond where the water typically starts.

We also saw the dead whale that’s been on the beach for a few months, which I won’t send a picture of, since I started feeling weird about sharing photos of corpses. Apparently it’s illegal to steal his bones now, even if there’s no official bureaucracy to remove him, which feels a little unfair. Apparently a local museum is gonna take his bones and hang him up once he’s fully decayed. Mom is feeling weird about the ethics of displaying animal corpses, since it’s bad when you display human ones. Also, I learned she owned a human skull she took from her high school theater department and which Grandma buried in the backyard when she went to college, which, I have no words for. My Dutch friend also had a human skull in their room. Where are all these skulls coming from??? Who are these people?? That said, I’d love to be a skull decoration in a friend’s house or something. To look cool and hang out forever.
Also, the summer camp I work at has been theming the dining hall on Halloween, and there’s a fake skeleton playing the piano. There’s been a lot of business to do with corpses of late. Aside from that, I’ve been doing little but lounging and work. What have you been up to? Are you enjoying the sunshine? I hope you are. The Fourth of July comes before next Friday, so I’ll write to you then. Farewell, June. It was good to me. I hope yours was as well.
With love,