Happy mid-July! We’ve been suffering through the heatwave over here. Has it hit you hard? It was 93 out a few days ago, and I almost died at work. A few coworkers and I spent a few minutes dead in front of a giant fan. Are you keeping out of the sun well enough? A few people have come close to heatstroke around here, and the chickens stopped laying eggs for a few days. If ever there was a time to restart our old lemonade stand, it would be now.
I’ve been doing okay. Not much is going on besides the heatwave. I’ve mostly been trying to relax between workdays. Something exciting has been happening, but I’ll tell you about it after it’s done. I’m going to a pride event tomorrow, which should be fun. I also went inside a local corner store for the first time, and saw this.

I suppose that’s all I have the energy to write now. I just got off work, so I’m sleepy. I love you, Soren. No matter how many years away you are.
With love,