How are you doing? I’ve bought two coffees today and I’m trembling weirdly. I don’t recommend doing this. It’s making typing a little hard. Maybe just one coffee.
Classes started this week. They’re going pretty well so far, although there’s a lot of confusion about when things are due, that Mom professor-ly says we should’ve known back in April. In my archaeology class, the professor brought in artifacts for us to analyze, which was super super fun. Did you know baby rattles existed 2000 years ago? Knowing that is so cute.
I went to the petting zoo a few days ago with a few friends (One of them is another American from Rhode Island; I think we should steal the adjective “wicked” from them). It was super cute. I pet a pig for the first time. They have the general consistency of hay.

It’s been fairly busy here, but at least it hasn’t been as stressful as it could’ve been. I’ve been spending a lot of my free time sitting in coffee shops. It keeps the isolation demons away.
I read this a few days and thought of you. When Lyla died a few years ago, Mom freaked out seeing an article because she didn’t know if it was you and she couldn’t read it without paying. She paid. Sometimes I think that if you died it would take months for me to find out. You might be dead right now and I won’t know until someone makes you a memorial at your school and Mom stumbles upon an article about it. If I died, you would only know if you went looking for us. If I’d died eight years ago, and this website didn’t exist, you might’ve never found out. It’s quite the thing to think of. I haven’t known how you’re doing in a very long time. At least, if you’re reading this, you know how I’m doing.

I will sign off now and go eat lunch. Know that everything is uneventful over here and will hopefully stay that way. By the way, did you see that Christmas and the first night of Hanukkah are the same day this year? I think that’s lots of fun.
With love,