Good morning, how are you doing? I’m doing alright over here. Classes are going fine. Is school okay? Today we had to leave the building for a few minutes because of a fire drill — you’d think somebody would plan around this, but it was a little fun. I’ve been rather enjoying the classes, but the assignments are a little stressful — it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written any essays. I’ve been spending lots of time in coffee shops trying to get into the homework mindset. Isn’t it weird how adults can just go places without permission or telling anyone? You too will discover the mysterious sensation of going somewhere alone and unrecorded a year from now. If you’re as worried as I was, don’t be, the worry passes by. And you can always hide in your dorm when needed.
I’m going to a book sale today with one of my friends. Meandering around fun places is one of the benefits of screwing around unsupervised. I also wandered into one of the campus buildings where a cat lives:

To counteract everything I’ve said, it’s been fairly uneventful this week. I got on a bus that went around the block in circles for five minutes before continuing on its normal route and felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. But anyway, regardless of the nothingness of this, take my love and ignore everything else. It’s what behind the boringness. I have to run now — I love you.
With love,