I’m home! I’m very relieved and have slept very well since getting back. The cats are being very friendly, which is very nice.

The plane ride was alright. I got selected for a random check which was annoying. But I had a good time sitting and watching out the window: no northern lights this time, but the planets were very visible. You could see that Mars is red. The line at customs was wildly short too, which was the highest relief. Mom went to Trader Joe’s before getting me and I got to experience the world’s most refreshing pineapple and blue cheese chips while getting back home. Then we watched New Girl— we’re making Aaron watch the whole thing. Going delightfully. Mom says (I just asked) that you never watched new girl, that you were too young and I watched it with Laura in Arizona. Well. You know what I recommend.
Did you see that Hanukkah starts on Christmas this year? I’m reminded of that day Easter, Ramadan, and Margaret Thatcher’s death anniversary happened on the same day. That was fun. I will write you on the Hanukkhristmas Crossover Special. Not much will happen this year before Costa Rica, so at least it will be quiet. Melancholic holidays should be quiet. And full of distraction. I hope you enjoy it. We’re going to get a tree tomorrow, and I will send you a picture on Christukkah. I love you.
With love,