Happy Hanukkah Day 3 and the no-man’s-land of post-Christmas pre-New Year’s Eve. Can you believe Hanukkah’s getting to January this year? I don’t think that’s ever happened to us before. I hope you’ve been liking the past few holiday days. Mine have been fairly uneventful. Mom and I are going to look at some Christmas lights off-island and go to a restaurant with Marcia and Emily. I always like looking at the lights. It helps that sunset is still at like 5 PM.
I’ve been suffering an awful stomach ache the whole school year. It’s anxiety, but I feel nauseous all the time. I just took a Dramamine in anticipation of the upcoming drive. Imagine how I will be at Disneyland this April, with tests around the corner? Taking zofran to go on Thunder Mountain? A shameful husk of myself have I become. Last April, it was only the tower of terror that made me sick (do NOT recommend). Have you ever suffered anything similar? My doctor’s upped my antidepressants — she says it’ll help. I hope so. But yeah, it sucks to spend break feeling so scared all the time. Sigh.
Not much has really happened since the day before yesterday. Since Grandma couldn’t come, we had the British tea-biscuits (basically biscotti) that I bought for her for ourselves. I don’t like them, but Mom kind of does, so a win? I guess we need to have them with tea. Then again, one must never trust English food.
I haven’t much to say this time. Nothing fun or interesting to tell you. The holidays have stretched my letters thin. I shall have, hopefully, something to tell you for New Year’s. I may write you the day before — we are flying the 31st for vacation. After that, I will definitely have something fun for you.
With love,