Almost February. Thank the high heavens, we are free. How are you? I hope everything’s alright. I am not jet-lagged anymore, so now I am tired for normal reasons. This week has been little but classes and classes. I might run out of antidepressants because the NHS number stopped working and the people at the campus doctor’s office confused me, so we’ll see how that goes. Crossed fingers.
I had a fun time exploring Haunted Doll Etsy a few days ago. It’s a remarkably fun type of scam for spiritual people and macabre children. Historically inaccurate names and dramatic ghost-backstories and exorbitant prices abound. Highly recommend for a bored afternoon. Otherwise, I’ve been entertaining myself looking at tickets for Phantom of the Opera in London. I’ve seen it twice, but I don’t remember if you have — highly recommended.
So yeah, it’s been rather uneventful. Most exciting thing today is that I got groceries. Maintaining my vegetable consumption. I’ve been playing through Undertale again to remember that earth is good sometimes. Given that Mom only made this website when I was fourteen, you missed the Undertale Madness of 2017. It’s a little sad to think about. Big, important moments of time that I have never seen from you. What did you love when you were twelve? Fourteen? Twelve-and-a-half? Steven Universe when you were nine, from your Pinterest, and then silence.

That’s all that’s up. I’ll always keep in touch even when everything’s boring. I love you.
With love,