How are you doing? It’s been a fairly tiresome week. But it’s also been fairly fast, which is good. This week is “study week,” which means no class is happening. I will be writing papers inside the whole time.
Flowers are starting to bloom here. Is it the same back home? Pearl desperately wants to go outside, but we can’t have Supervised Outdoor Time due to bird flu. She loves to kill birds when nobody’s looking. Which is why it’s always a bit annoying when nobody supervises the Supervised Outdoor Time. She’s crying at the back door a lot. I hear it over FaceTime.
Over here, little has changed. I’m writing papers and agonizing. Trying to distract from the current world with said papers — my current archaeology project is killing me, so it’s helping. For no particular reason, the fact that the Roman emperors who act openly autocratic get murdered so quickly is very comforting to me. There’s at least a few of them in every Roman Empire discussion. However, I still can’t wait to go home. Mom’s been having fun planning our next Disney trip. We’re slowly crawling over the new making-the-park-worse systems there.
So, per usual, it’s uneventful here. I had a nice Saturday painting and eating cucumber-cream cheese sandwiches. The most hedonistic I’ve gotten in a while. I hope you‘re alright. — Why did that apostrophe reverse? On ‘you’re’? Do you see that? Regardless, I’m always here for you, even when I’m up to my neck in work. I love you.
With love,