Happy Saturday! How’s it going? I’d say ‘school’s over soon’, but you know how it is with the whole ‘pushing back further into June because we had a few school days off’ thing. Ugh. I hope you don’t get out too late. My break’s the fifth.
I hope life at home isn’t too bad. Do you still talk to your friends? I hope you do. We used to have a lot of sleepovers with our friends, didn’t we? That was nice. I’ve only had three since last I saw you, I think.
Bill is still lost, as usual. I doubt we’ll see him again. But, on the brighter side, Aaron got a full chicken (named Butterball), a full black duck (named Joan Jett), and eight little chicks that live in a box in the bathroom. We don’t know which are boys and which are girls, and will probably send all of the boys back. They were all to be named after Norse goddesses, but one bit both me and mom and we decided to call it Loki. None of the others have names yet and it’s hard to distinguish everyone. Do you remember our chickens? I miss them. I only remember one of their names, Peaches. I think I named that one. And, now that I’m thinking about the chickens, I miss our backyard too. But I don’t miss them as much as I miss you.
I hope you’re doing well. I love you. Please stay as safe as you can.
With love,