How do you do? School’s starting up soon, will you be homeschooled? I know I sure am! (Ha) I’m taking a lot of classes on ancient Egypt this year, which makes me very excited. I’m planning on becoming an archaeologist, but I think I’ll specialize in Greece or Rome rather than Egypt. But I still love all of them. However, I’ll also be taking physics, which is terrifying. Are you good with math? What classes are you taking?
Pearl’s been adjusting well to the kittens. We can’t leave them completely alone, but we can let them interact without worry that Pearl will immediately kill them. She’s being very good! If you have any pets, how are they doing? I sort of have three small spiders living in the area under the bathroom window. I’ve dubbed them Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea. As long as they don’t make a fuss or leave the window, I don’t try to put them outside.
Mom and I have gotten into watching The Amazing Race again recently. What TV shows do you like? Have you watched The Amazing Race since we last saw you? I also watched the new Phineas and Ferb movie. It was good, but it made me sad. Nostalgia and siblings, you understand.
I hope you are well. I love you.
With love,