Happy weekend! Since the smoke’s starting to clear up, mom and I are leaving the island to get Starbucks. I can’t wait. Is the smoke clearing over there? I hope it is. I don’t want most of Oregon to burn down..
I have a favorite quote to cope with things. “Be patient, my heart; for you have endured things worse than this before.” -Odysseus, The Odyssey. This could be taken out of context, the wrong Homeric epic, etc, as I don’t remember it from the book, but it’s still comforting. It took him twenty years to return home. To finally be at peace again with his family. Maybe we walk a similar path. No matter the trials and almost dying multiple times and loosing so much- Odysseus still got home. We must keep hope. Or try, at least.
I’ve taken a liking to tea recently. I quite like the English breakfast flavor with a whole lot of milk. I will try to see what flavors Starbucks has tomorrow. Do you still like coffee? I still haven’t gotten past the acquired taste. I heard it keeps you awake, but makes you really stressed, which is the last thing I need these days. I have enough. Please.
I hope you are doing well. Try to avoid too much smoke inhalation. The kittens keep pooping in my closet. I love you.

With love,