How are you? If summer vacation hasn’t started by now, I feel infinitely sorry. It’s very hot this week, apparently it’ll get to 100 degrees tomorrow. Why must the nice, cold weather end the second school does? I hope it’s nicer down there in Eugene. I would love to see some rain.
I got a job at a summer camp and went to ‘training’ on Wednesday. I start my first day tomorrow. I’m very worried but will let you know how it goes. You’ve probably never had an ‘official’ job yet, right? You don’t need to at all. Stick with babysitting, that’s more fun.
I’ve been rewatching Gravity Falls (the television show) lately and I often think of how I’d love to show it to you. I could never make a fantastical version of our youth because it already exists. Aside from the sibling protagonists, you won’t find a better allegory for losing a sibling and desperately trying to get them back than with the protagonists’ uncle and his brother. Perhaps I am biased, but I recommend it. Watching easily relatable pre-trauma siblings makes one sad, though.
I forgot to mention — I haven’t got much for my birthday so far, because of shipping times. I got a nice candle and a necklace from the late 19th century. What did you get for your birthday? I doubt trying to send you anything would work.

I hope you’re doing well. I doubt I ever shall again. We must keep making do.
With love,