Happy Friday! Although technically Friday doesn’t really matter during summer. How are you? How are your friends? I see ‘blueraspberryfundip’, aka ‘yee hee’ is into cottage/goblincore. It’s fortunate if they live in Eugene, since we have so many forests.
I’ve mostly been working lately. It’s pretty tiring. We’ve been watching some old movies lately, which is fun. I watched a 30s movie called ‘The Women’, which, despite miraculously not having a single man in it, barely if at all passed the Bechdel test. Alas. What have you watched lately?
I think about Eugene a lot. Every time I’ve visited (the last visit being the one you saw me) I’ve wondered how it should go if I saw Mom, you, or someone else I know in public. What would they say? We saw Roxy at a Michael’s once (her children might’ve been with her?), but nobody spoke to one another. I saw my friend Nadine through the upstairs window at Market of Choice, but she was in another room and we didn’t speak. Regardless, I often feel unwelcome and on the run.
I haven’t had to deal with it in awhile, but I wish I could visit again. It’s been too long. I wonder what you think of Eugene. You are very welcome, but always lied to. Have you ever questioned someone about us? How did they react?
It is late, and I am going to have dinner and shower. I miss you very much. I love you.
With love,