Happy Christmas Eve!! Grandma arrived yesterday. She brought the baby squirrel she rescued from outside her house, Trooper (called such because he’s a little trooper who survived). Paris and Achilles were afraid of Grandma but not Pearl. No info yet on how they see the squirrel. I tried to send a photo of him, but alas, no luck again. What is up with photo-sending here? WiFi?
Sooooo, tomorrow is Christmas. This is always a sad time of year. Our last Christmas together was in 2014, seven years ago. That’s half of your life and nearly half of mine. I ask myself everyday, “Why, Mom?” but no one will tell me. I often feel that we are condemned to sadness. At least we’ll get presents. I’m sure you’ve set up the tree by now. What do you want? What do you think you’ll get?
I’ll write to you again tomorrow, of course, and tell you what I got and all that. I wish I would hear of what you got and what you like, but I know I’ll get no answer. Imagine how much has changed! The last time you saw me I was terrified of Five Nights at Freddy’s, but little did you know that in September of 2016 I became obsessed with the game. And you still know me as being terrified of it, though five years have passed. What has changed that I know nothing of? Perhaps I’ll never know. It’s emotional to be an unwanted ghost to your own family.
For now, it’ll just be me and my Oscar Wilde poems trying to feel well. Peace, peace, can she have read, one of my letters. I’ve decided you’re likely not Yee Hee/Dipper on Pinterest, who messaged me about making the Flickr account public. I saw he changed his profile picture and looked at his account, and it seems he goes my he/him pronouns, which would not make it you (unless, that is, you happened to be transgender, which I doubt, but which is fine if true).
Regardless, I hope you are well, and enjoy Christmas Eve. The weather says it may snow here. I hope it does here and there where you are. I love you. Merry Christmas.
With love,