Happy Halloween! It’s 7:27 right now, so you’re probably trick or treating unless covid affects it too much. We can’t trick or treat in Washington, I don’t think it’s allowed. This evening, I walked in town a bit and went to a drive thru Halloween thing where actors did stuff like gesture menacingly. I loved this one dude with a ghoul mask on a motorcycle who literally yelled ‘boo’ at us. You could hear him as he went ahead and did it to every other car. It was hilarious. What are you doing this evening? What are you dressed up as? Here’s a picture of me in my costume. Like I said before, I’m Tintin.

I got a little bit of candy from a guy in town handing it out. I also still have some from last year which is keeping me going. I feel a little alone, though. You and all my friends don’t live here. Yes, I dropped out of public school, but that place made me stressed and miserable beyond mention, and wasn’t worth the ‘childhood memories’. I hope you’re trick or treating with friends right now.
Have a fun Halloween! I miss you very much. I hate counting the missed holidays.
With love,