How are you doing? Are you excited for Halloween season? I have survived my flight. Jet lag, however, is a different story. I managed to sleep for some of the plane, and it overall felt relatively short. The place I’m staying at now is pretty nice (no roommate, my own bathroom), although it’s a little far from the grocery store and school. Classes haven’t started yet; mine won’t start until October first (absolutely insane!). The walk to the grocery store takes you through an obscure woods path and then through a large field, and that field is fairly waterlogged. And then there’s one big puddle you can’t sidestep that I’m sure will give me cholera someday.

I tried to get photos of the northern lights, but there weren’t any this time.
I hope you’re doing alright. I wish I had much more to talk about. Perhaps I will next week. I love you.
With love,